Sunday, August 07, 2005

Good thing their motto is "Don't be evil"

Kottke writes about GooOS, the Google Operating System:

They have this huge map of the Web and are aware of how people move around in the virtual space it represents. They have the perfect place to store this map (one of the world's largest computers that's all but incapable of crashing). And they are clever at reading this map. Google knows what people write about, what they search for, what they shop for, they know who wants to advertise and how effective those advertisements are, and they're about to know how we communicate with friends and loved ones. What can they do with all that? Just about anything that collection of Ph.Ds can dream up.

With 100,000 computers networked with all this information, and the theoretical goal of indexing all the information of the human race, it's a good thing the guys that run Google have a motto of "Don't be evil." My question is, how long until Google itself wakes up.

Hat tip to Newmark's Door.

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