Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Not exactly a big news day

And it was supposed to be. Google watchers were expecting big news today as Google and Sun scheduled a news conference to announce a much ballyhooed partnership. Apparently the big announcement amounted to Google toolbars being included in Sun downloads including the Sun java runtime environment. Do the tech minded people who use Sun products instead of Microsoft not know how to download their own Google toolbar?

Monday, October 03, 2005

Windows: The thing you need to run Google

James Derk sees "All Google, All the Time". He's sure that Google is going to take over the world. He doesn't comment on when Google is going to become conscious, but he does have this to say:

What it's going to do is marginalize Microsoft and to turn Windows into the thing you need to have to run Google. And that has to make Bill Gates just a tad sad.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Free WiFi from Google for San Francisco

Google has responded to a request from San Francisco city leaders for a plan to implement citywide wireless broadband and the Google proposal has zero cost to the city. The Google plan would cover 95% of San Francisco with 300kbps access at no charge to the city or users.

The city has received other proposals and could choose one of them though it's hard to see a) how anyone can beat free to the city and to users and b) what would stop Google from providing it anyway.