Thursday, June 23, 2005

Google Cheat Sheet

Here's a cheat sheet for Google's advanced search features: exact phrases, combinations of all words, definitions, a word or its synonyms, movie titles, etc. Shows how to do a "safe" search, very useful when Googling a topic that is likely to return "not safe for work" results by mistake.

Hat tip to Newmark's Door.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Check out how Googleites eat

From the Google Blog One Man's Food Pyramid:

We may choose to eat only healthy food here at the Googleplex. The cafes serve sumptuous veggies and subtly seasoned fish, meat and pasta dishes, and the various kitchenettes always have a tempting array of fruits to choose from.

Photoblog Friday, however, is today devoted to the Dark Side.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Google to take on eBay?

It's being reported that Google is going to launch an online payment system to compete with PayPal which is owned by the other big profitable Internet giant, eBay. While some commentators are projecting that this could really hurt eBay, this commentator wonders what the folks at Google are thinking in launching a competitor to one of their biggest advertising customers. If Google launches a competitor to the cash rich eBay, can it be long before eBay launches a competitor to Google?

On the other hand, as long as standards don't suffer, competition can only be good for us as consumers of both companies products. Whatever happens when giants this size start innovating and competing, we ought to see lower prices, better service and new ideas coming from both camps.