Tuesday, August 09, 2005

All the news that's fit to feed

Google News has just added the capability to get your news with an RSS or ATOM feedreader. "You can get a feed for any Google News section. For instance, if you select a feed link while you're on the Business page, you'll get a feed of business news."

You can use a desktop feedreader such as Feedreader or add Google News to online feedreaders like Bloglines or Newsgator. Plugins are even available to let you view feeds in many popular email programs and web browsers.

Google is even allowing you to use their feeds on your own website for noncommercial use subject to some simple terms of service.


Unknown said...

The name Atom applies to a pair of related standards. The Atom Syndication Format is an XML language used for web feeds, sportsbook, while the Atom Publishing Protocol (referred to as AtomPub for short) is a simple HTTP-based protocol for creating and updating web resources. http://www.enterbet.com

kimberly sayer said...

Google News is an automated news aggregator provided by Google Inc. The initial idea, StoryRank—related to Google's PageRank formula—was developed by Krishna Bharat in 2001, the Principal Research Scientist of Google.costa rica fishingNo person is involved in the altering of the front page or story promotion, beyond tweaking the aggregation algorithm. Google News left beta in January 2006.