Thursday, May 26, 2005

Orkut: Google and Social Networking

Orkut, Google's social networking site, is not news, but I just joined and had a few comments.

First, it has an interesting feel and a good clean user interface as we'd expect of a Google product.

Second, they have demographics for their users available and I was surprised to find out that over 2/3 of the users are from Brazil.

Finally, it is invitation only. It's intended to be a system where friends are linked through friends. There are people selling or giving away invitations to anyway, but I quickly found an actual friend who was a member and joined that way. Of course, if you're a friend of mine (or become a friend through this blog), I'll invite you.


Origena said...

Hi Tom,
I came accross your site from
Then read than you are an Orkut member, and it's a friend to friend invitation but I'm not a friend of you and this is the first time for me to contact you.
Am I eligible to be a friend? :-)

Thank you!

Tom Hanna said...

Certainly. Anyone who reads this can add me - please let me know that you are a reader of this blog. :) You can find me with the name search - Tom Hanna. There is also a "Tom e Hanna" and that is not me.